Monday, October 6, 2014

Not Nearly a Mile, But a Start!

I haven't had much to update lately.  I have three doctors' visits in the next three days so I'm sure there will be more coming from them. 

Thursday was a big little victory - they took the drain out!  I saw my ps and he said it was all clear to take out.  Then he said no shower for another 48 hours.  Hey it's been two weeks, what's another 48 hours... but the finish line was at least in sight.  

I asked him how much of this drain tube was actually in me.  He said from where it inserted at the side of my ribs, it went up, under my expander, around the inner border along my sternum, and over the top of the expander.  So what I thought I felt all this time as the top and inner edge of the expander, was actually hose.  I think like 7 or 8 inches!

So I lay back, and he said "Take a breath" and I sucked in all this wind and squinched my eyes shut and waited for this - whatever this was going to feel like... but it was nothing!  He and his assistant burst out laughing and I said, "Oh!!  That's it?"  

He also noticed some skin irritation from my garment so he said I could swap to a soft sports bra intermittently.  Thank you Lord!!!  

We start expanding sessions next week.  I don't know what this might feel like.  I imagine back to when I had braces, and when they'd get tightened and adjusted your face would hurt so much.  That would also be the day my mom decided was a good day to squeeze my cheeks in displays of affection.  Let's hope she refrains here.....  (and she'll be all mad I said that lol)

This weekend Chris and I traveled back to our old stomping grounds of the Finger Lakes of NY to see our friends run the Wineglass Marathon.  I set my alarm for 4:15 am and rationalized that it was 48 hours and showered like I'd never showered before.  It. was. so. nice.  Burned up all that hot water yes I did.

We spent Saturday winery hopping and just enjoyed the area again.  Definitely felt good to get away.  Only had to reassure Tyler a little that I was NOT going to the hospital.  Jack told him in an exasperated tone, "They're going to wineries."  Apparently to him, I'm either found in a hospital or winery.

We sat at the last corner of the marathon course before the stretch to the finish.  Man did that make me want to get out there again.  

A man, blind, came around the corner, his hand on his partners shoulder, as she had led him through the course, narrating the path and what was ahead.  His time was amazing!  Couldn't be the first time he's done this.  I just watched him as far as I could down the road. 

People of all shapes and builds running, and where we sat was the best because as they rounded that last corner they saw the finish.  You saw faces change to that of  grit and determination, faces burst into smiles and arms raised high, faces crumple into happy tears, and that one guy who started smacking himself in the face..... whatever gets you through I guess.  

I made my way closer to the finish.  As my friend came close, I was that girl, and jumped out and waved moronically at her, and I couldn't help it- I ran with her.  In my flip flops and jeans, I ran with her to keep her going and push her to the end.  And she told me she had happy tears and stuff about what I had been through and I was like what?!  hello!! marathon here!!   

I then realized I was just inside the finishers' chute and I didn't want to be that asshole, so I braked and got out quick before they tackled the crazy girl.

My other friend came through soon after.  And I hugged her hard when I found her.  This was her first (and last lol) and she said she felt done at 11.  But she forged through and did amazingly well.  I'm so grateful to have been able to up and see them.  The whole environment did wonders for me.  

I say I want to keep doing these things because I can, and really after seeing some of these amazing people, knowing for some, their stories are longer and harder than mine, I also want to do it while I can.  Lots of friends suffered losses and family scares these past couple weeks.  And one said she just keeps remembering that life is short!   Too short for drama and wasted time.  Things can change in an instant.  This weekend I went more Ferris Bueller and stopped and looked around every once in a while so I wouldn't miss it, but today I want to fill my calendar with events.  Goal to goal.  If something comes up, I'll reschedule, but I'm still here to DO something.  


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