The fantastic thing about an online patient portal is having all your reports and info available for those of us with OCD who like refreshing the page until the report is available far earlier than one will get a phone call from the doctor (in most cases).
Benign. B- and B+ aced their tests.
And so far B- is continuing to show improvement in the "Keep your shit together... literally" category.
I followed up with the oncologist a few days later. Knowing my films were clean, I was curious as to what she'd have to say.
She didn't have much at all to say actually. She was funny though, saying, "My mind is only drawn to the abnormal". Essentially meaning, "I have no use for you anymore". I plan to have no use for her anymore either.

I started off 2015 with balls to the wall intentions of hitting a few goals. They're still written on my Resolution board that everyone writes on at our New Year's Eve Party. Let's see how I fared, shall we?
Spartan Trifecta - So. Close. Like by DAYS close. This was pretty disappointing. You can read about the Beast, Super, and the Sprint Not Meant to Be. Do I plan on trying for the Trifecta again? I don't really know yet. The Beast was... brutal. The Super was a little better I suppose since I knew my limits from what I experienced at the Beast. Suffice it to say there was crying after the Beast, and no crying after the Super. If the Beast isn't in Jersey again? Maybe. (Update! I see now there is a Spartan Delta?? Oh wait... I gotta do an Ultra Beast? This would probably result in ultra crying. Yeah, this probably won't be happening. Curse you and your fancy shiny medals!)
Triathlon - A bet made to me by an old friend. I'd do tri, and she'd do her first half. I think I swam.... once in 2015, so we'll assume this didn't happen. I actually still would like to try one one day. They have mini-indoor ones that I think I could use to get my feet (actually) wet. This is still a possibility.
50% of 2015 miles run in 2015. Unless I can bang out 916 miles by Thursday, this doesn't look good. There are some runs I didn't log I know... not 916 miles worth. I've already been asked to renew this goal... this one I will give my best shot. (oh wait, it's now 50% of 2016 miles?! That's just ludicrous.)
Half Marathon - This was the one I deferred from the year earlier. And the one that suffered from the (near literal) fall-out of B-'s failure. BUT, I walk/ran the 5K, and it felt good to be in that scene again. I kind of like the half-marathon distance. I'd love to do at least one this year. I'd love to do the Wineglass Half (obvs) if I get my crap together to sign up. I want to do some 5K's and I've never officially done a 10K so maybe we'll cross that off the list this year too.
87% Plant Based Eating - This is a topic that brings up a lot of discussion. I follow a lot of different blogs and FB pages on eating. First and foremost because I like I have friends who eat Paleo, Keto, and Spaghetti-o. My 10 year old claims he is Flexitarian and generally chooses very little meat and all the veggies and sides. My 7 year old likes a meatball sub, add pepperoni... that's it. He's quite the carnivore.
During my downtime this year I watched an interesting movie called "Forks Over Knives." All I'll say is that is opens your eyes to how food affects you, and how it can hurt or help you. It wasn't new information to me per se, but I think I just saw things from a different perspective now.
As a bit of an experiment, Chris and I have gone meat free. Chris is like 100% on it. No meat, no fish, almost no eggs. Chris has had his own health concerns this year, (because if you're gonna burn up that health insurance, light that shit up BIG!) so the information here appealed to him as well.
I on the other hand, do not envision a world without sushi. We've been doing this since August I think. Do I steal a pepperoni off the kids pizza? Yes. Did I eat a little turkey at Christmas? Yes. But not at Thanksgiving. (I lie, I ate turkey skin, because turkey skin.) So truly I am pretty majority plant based.
I must say, I feel really really good since eating this way. I dropped a few pounds, my hair seriously grew a ton, and I feel much less lethargic into the afternoon. That's what I can report so far! Chris also feels really good and has no plan to flex.
I'm not going to argue one way or another about what WOE is right or wrong. Keto people see great results, and vegan or plant based athletes have amazing results. Studies show support for both. What caught my eye were the studies on how plant vs. meat may have effects on cancer. At the same time, cancer absolutely affects those who have gone years and years never eating meat. Your genes are your genes, can't change 'em. If eating this way simply gets me eating more veggies, increases my home cooking, and makes me feel good - then I'm for it.
Yoga Certification - Hey! This one actually happened!! I am now a Level I Certified Yoga Instructor. I'm going to spend more time developing some nice beginner classes and hopefully teach. I also want to use my TRX cert as well.
I told myself I wasn't going back to the gym till January 1st. But I've been back a month or so. I am doing no chest work. Very light back, shoulders, arms, and legs. I tried the other day to do a modified push up. I can lower down about 1/3rd of the way and then I just keep falling (carefully). There is no pec strength up in here. There is definitely no UP to my PUSH. I remember when I had a goal of one pull up. I think goal number 1 this year is one push up. Takin it back to basics.
Ok, what are your goals for twentysixteen??? Mine is one push up. Give me something more than that.