Friday, December 12, 2014

Cancer is Bullshit

I'm so full of thoughts and emotions that I'm sitting in radiation right now typing this out on my phone because I have to get it out. I don't know what to do. What to think.  It's kind of an angry helpless mix.

I am about to be done with radiation next week. Leaving with not much more than a peeling sunburn-like irritation. I show up, I lay down.  Zap zap.  I'm out.  10 minutes in and out.  On with my day.  My sports bra bothers it, I take it off. Simple as that. I bitch. I moan. I can do whatever I want.

Mine ain't shit.  

My cousins' son is 4 months old. (She's my husbands' cousin technically. Whatever.)

His name is Gavin. I haven't met him yet as they live in Vermont. He's cute as hell.

He was recently diagnosed with AT/RT. Atypical Teratoid Rhabdoid Tumor.  A congenital brain tumor. 

He is 4 months old.

He had a surgery to remove the tumor they felt on his neck. He has had scans which have shown that this aggressive cancer has NOT spread so far.

He is about to start 18 weeks of chemotherapy. Mainly in-patient. Then he will need a bone marrow transplant.

He is 4. months. old.  

He will receive more weeks of chemo than he's been on this earth at this point.  

His family will be separated. Mom will stay often with him in the hospital. Dad will carry on at home with their two other kids.  Losses of income, stability.  But you can't look at that little face and have any loss of faith and hope and will.  

You know I say "why not me", like I'm some badass.  But all I can think right now is "why?"  And I want to do something. Anger is a great motivator.  

I've already taken some steps; adding a new chapter to my book.  Maybe I'm rewriting it.  

Holidays are tight for everyone.  God knows I know.  Click here for

If you can donate to this family,

if you can donate to some family you know who is fighting,

if the most you can do is pray for this baby and any other, every other,

then you are helping.

1 comment:

  1. Awe Amy.. we love you! That was beautiful.. we both teared up reading it! You and your family are all in our prayers as well! Go team Gavin.. Love ya Amy! (Emma and "MyK aka Karen)


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